A message from Pastor Brian!
It is a privilege and an honor for Hope+Elim to host the third annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Celebration. In the face of adversity, Dr. King stood up with unwavering courage, advocating for racial equality, economic justice, and harmony for all people. This year, we will recognize and honor the life and legacy of Dr. King by embracing the theme “Stand Up.” We are thrilled that Brittany K. Barnett, author, attorney, and entrepreneur, will be our keynote speaker. We will embrace the essence of “Stand Up” not only as a call to action but also as a commitment to invoking change in our community.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said that “standing up” is not merely an act of rebellion but a conscientious decision to champion what is right and just. As we celebrate his legacy, let us recognize the profound impact each of us can have when we choose to stand up for a better world that aligns with God’s heart for his people. Let his life and words inspire us to be agents of change, advocates for justice, and champions of equality. Through education and collective action, we can transform Dr. King’s dream into a reality. Dr. King’s life was a testament to the power of standing up against injustice, discrimination, and inequality. His words, like a powerful anthem, urged us to rise above complacency and actively engage in the battle for the civil rights of all people.
“A man dies when he refuses to stand up for that which is right. A man dies when he refuses to stand up for justice. A man dies when he refuses to take a stand for that which is true”. – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Volunteer for MLK
Help us make this celebration a success! Find the sign up by scrolling to Monday, Jan. 15.
Parking at Hope+Elim
Join us for the celebration and get a head start and plan where you will park!
MLK Service Day
Partner with us as we spend a day cleaning some local schools! Join us Saturday, Jan. 20, 10:00 am – noon.
Instagram Live
Join us on Hope+Elim’s Instagram for a Q&A with Pastor Brian and Brittany K. Barnett on Thursday, Jan. 11 from 5:30-6:30 pm.
Book Signing
During the MLK Celebration, there will be a book signing available to have your copy of “A Knock at Midnight” signed by Brittany K. Barnett.

About Brittany K. Barnett
Brittany K. Barnett is an attorney, author and entrepreneur. Her memoir, A Knock at Midnight, was published by The Crown Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House.
While working several years as a corporate attorney, Brittany was committed to pro bono representation of clients buried alive in federal prison under draconian drug laws. Her dedication to this life changing work paid off tremendously, resulting in freedom for numerous people serving fundamental death sentences for federal drug offenses, including seven clients who received executive clemency from President Barack Obama.
As the daughter of a formerly incarcerated mother, Brittany knows first-hand the impact of mass incarceration is far reaching, devastating families and entire communities. Dedicated to transforming the criminal justice system, Brittany founded two nonprofits to carry out her life’s work: the Buried Alive Project, which works to dismantle life without parole sentences handed down under federal drug laws and Girls Embracing Mothers, dedicated to empowering girls with mothers in prison.
Through her criminal justice work, Brittany has encountered some of the most brilliant minds humanity has to offer. Her work is multi-dimensional. She not only frees people from prison, she uses her extensive corporate experience to cultivate their creative and entrepreneurial powers to better the world. Brittany is the founder of the Manifest Freedom Fund and Milena Reign, social enterprises devoted to shifting the paradigm to show the world changing impact that formerly incarcerated people can have when they have access to resources not to merely survive, but to thrive.
She is a graduate of SMU’s Dedman School of Law. She previously served as the Associate General Counsel at ORIX USA Corporation focusing on mergers & acquisitions and general corporate matters. Prior to her legal career, Brittany earned her license as a Certified Public Accountant and worked for international accounting firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. She holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Accounting.
Brittany’s life-saving work has been featured nationally on multiple news platforms, including television and print. She has earned many honors, including being named one of America’s Most Outstanding Young Lawyers by the American Bar Association. Her memoir, A Knock at Midnight, was named by Amazon’s Book editors as the #1 best book of 2020.