What’s Happening at Hope+Elim?

Sunday, March 30
Join us for family worship on March 30th! There will be no nursery or Hope+Elim Kids that day, so families can worship together.

This Lent we are partnering with the Come and See Foundation to raise funds to translate “The Chosen” into languages not yet available, Javanese (Indonesia) and Amharic (Ethiopia), which has the potential to reach 20+ million people with the Gospel!

Wednesdays, 5:00-7:30 pm
Hope+Elim Community Night is a time of community and connection for our church family and the surrounding neighborhood. The love of Jesus is shared with free hot meals, followed by evening worship, classes, and programming!

At Hope+Elim, we offer diverse SQUADs for you to deepen your faith journey and make a meaningful impact. Whether you’re looking to serve as Christ’s hands and feet in our community, or participate in outreach events, there’s a SQUAD for you. From young adults seeking God’s purpose to those passionate about nurturing the next generation, together we can create a vibrant, caring community dedicated to serving God and others at Hope+Elim.
Get Involved
At Hope+Elim, there are numerous ways for you to connect, from joining a small group, taking a class or volunteering on the food team, there’s something for everyone – young, old, new to faith or seasoned Christian. There’s a place for you and we hope you will jump in right now!

Find a class
Taking a class is a great way to grow in your faith while getting to know others. A variety of interesting and exciting topics are offered throughout the year.

Join a Group
God created us to live in community with one another. Joining a group is a great place to meet consistently to connect with others for spiritual growth, prayer and encouragement.

Find Your Squad
Ready to make a difference in your church community? Find your SQUAD and help meet the needs of upcoming services and events.