

On a Mission (from God)

Serving others is one of the greatest blessings God offers us. Acts of selfless service allow us to bring glory to God and shine his light in this world! Whether you are looking to serve here at Hope+Elim, or outside in our community or around the world, we have a number of places for you to jump right in and be the hands and feet of Jesus to our brothers and sisters in Christ! Hope+Elim will guide and equip you with knowledge, tools and opportunities to serve other with the love of Christ.

Mission Trips

Volunteer Locally

Volunteer at Hope+Elim

Annual Projects

Go On a Mission Trip!

At Lutheran Church of Hope, we focus on building relationships with one another and those we meet around the state, country and world for the purpose of loving each other as family in Christ. We do not go to “do,” but to “be.” 

Encouragement is our act of service. By lifting the work done through local organizations and sharing with others about the strength and joy in Jesus, it enables us to serve one another.

When we return home, we advocate — first by praying for the places and people we encountered, then by seeking responsible, bold ways to share our experiences, humbly pointing to the faithfulness of God, and continuing to elevate the needs, service and work of the communities we visit. 

In our growing, we are serving, and in our serving, we are growing … building each other up as the body of Christ and developing the gifts God has given each of us to use in God’s kingdom.

2024 Global Mission Trips

Use the interactive map below to search through upcoming mission trips through Hope’s global mission partners.

Homes of Hope

Tijuana, Mexico

Jan. 19-22, 2024 May. 31-Jun. 3, 2024 Aug. 16-19, 2024 Aug. 30-Sep. 2, 2024 Oct. 18-21, 2024

MDM (Medical Mission Trip)


Apr. 6-12, 2024



May. 6-17, 2024

Many Hands

Abaco (The Bahamas)

May. 14-21, 2024 Oct. 16-23, 2024

Robin’s Nest Children’s Home


Jun. 8-15, 2024

Convoy of Hope

Rockaway Beach, MO

Jul. 6-13, 2024


El Salvador

Jul. 27-Aug. 3, 2024



Sep. 7-18, 2024

Hopesters on the Ground

Large group photo of Ugandan Worshipers in Uganda

“Visiting Uganda was eye-opening in many ways, and God graciously revealed himself throughout our trip. We interacted with the girls and their children throughout their daily routines, which included morning and evening prayers (this consisted of singing, dancing and personal prayer time), offering to help with their daily work (such as laundry, cooking and gardening) and joining them in their classes (including literacy, hair-dressing, sweater-making, catering, business and the early childhood development programs for their children). We also organized and led Bible-based activities throughout the week, where we did a craft or activity with the girls and connected it to a biblical message.”

Anna Patton
Four women carrying cinder blocks at global outreach build

“Going to El Salvador truly changed how I see the world and strengthened my relationship with Jesus Christ. Getting to go there and work hard in building latrines for people in need maybe doesn’t sound glamorous, but it was the time of my life! I got to play with the village kids and God taught me that love and laughter can break any language barrier. It was an experience that I will be forever grateful for.”

Laura O’Connor

Volunteer in Our Local Community!

There are opportunities to volunteer locally in our neighborhood and right in the Hope+Elim building. Here are a few ways to serve alongside ministries in our building.

Genesis Youth Foundation

Genesis Youth Foundation (GYF) provides services for children and their immigrant families through athletic play, education, dance and song. Through shared experiences they aim to support and inspire children who face obstacles and to assist in removing barriers to encourage joy, optimism and awareness.

Change Course

Change Course is a career development program that provides training in leadership and personal development to give people in Des Moines a way to stop living paycheck to paycheck and launch a career.

FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes)

Fellowship of Christian Athletes supports and leads coaches and athletes into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. FCA engages participants relationally and with the gospel, equipping and empowering them to lead in their athletic arena with their faith in Jesus and the love of Christ.

JCA (Joshua Christian Academy)

Joshua Christian Academy (JCA) provides quality education alongside loving God and our neighbors. JCA teaches all subjects with scripture at the center.

Building Partner Logos

Our Local Mission Partners

Agape Logo
Alpha logo
Children & Family Urban Movement Logo
Central Iowa Shelter Services Logo
Change course logo
Clive community service logo
Convoy Of Hope Logo
Des Moines Valley Golf Club logo
DMARC logo
Dorothys House Logo
Family promise logo
Fellowship of Christian Athletes Logo
Freedom for youth logo
Genesis Youth Foundation Logo
Godspeed Equine logo
Grimes storehouse logo
Hope Furniture Ministry Logo
Hope ministries logo
IFamily Church Logo
Ingham okoboji lutheran church bible camps logo
Job Rides logo
Joshua Christian Academy logo
Lutheran Services in Iowa logo
Many Hands logo
Meals from the Heartland Logo
Meals on Wheels logo
Primary Health Care Logo
Prison Fellowship Logo
Riverside Logo
Ruth Harbor Ministries Logo
Sheepgate logo
Single parent provision logo
Starts Right Here logo
Valley Disaster Logo
Waukee area christian services logo
Well logo
Wildwood Hill Ranch logo
Wings of Refuge Logo

Volunteer at Hope+Elim

There are plenty of way to serve your church community! Being a greeter, serving food at Community Night or Breakfast or being a part of the Shuttle Team are just a few ways to serve. Click on the sign-up to volunteer once or regularly.

What’s Happening with Hope Missions Throughout the Year!

Each year we provide support for certain ministries or at specific times of the year.

Community Night Meal Support

Every Wednesday Hope+Elim provides a free meal to our community and neighborhood. Meals are served and the need for volunteers and financial support is a way to give back to this need.

Hope+Elim Kids Monthly Mission

Every month Children’s Ministry participates in a hands-on way to support ministries within Lutheran Church of Hope or Mission partners. From making cards for hospital visits to collecting socks, youth are encouraged to donate and participate as a part of their faith journey and serving.

MLK Day of Service

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr., Hope+Elim partners with a local organization or school during MLK weekend to give the opportunity to participate in a day of service. Each year the serving opportunities change.

Souper Bowl Food Drive

All campuses at Lutheran Church of Hope aim to fill every food pantry in our community. Nonperishable food items are collected and campuses partner with local grocery stores to make this goal possible.

Lenten Mission

During the Lenten season, a different area of support is chosen and opportunities to financially support, pray and participate in serving is offered.

Vacation Bible School Mission

During one of the biggest Jesus parties of the year, youth are encouraged to participate in the VBS Mission. Supporting local pantries with a food and hygiene drive or supporting neighborhood schools with a supply drive, every year children have the opportunity to serve.

Back to School Drive

Every year Hope+Elim collects needed items for our partner schools in our neighborhood. The opportunity to give financially is provided so that we can purchase larger items to fulfill needs that arise throughout the school year.

Advent Mission

During the season of advent, a different ministry is chosen to support and opportunities to financially donate, pray and participate in serving is offered.


Morgan Foldes

Missions Board

The Missions Board is a volunteer-led board of Hope members who serve two-year terms, meeting monthly to review financials, evaluate, vote and recommend mission partners, develop relationships with mission partners, and vision cast with the Hope Missions Team and senior leadership. For more information or to learn about how to apply for a board position, please email Chris Barfels, Missions Director.

Stay Connected with Missions!

Join our newsletter

The quarterly Missions e-newsletter includes updates from Missions Board members, a director’s update, and highlights of mission partners and trips.